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mall businesses 'must do more to be energy efficient'

"The vice president of the European commission warned companies after analysis of how their impact affects targets"


What is the future of nuclear power in the UK?

"Rob Edwards: Decoding the news: News that RWE and E.ON have ditched plans for two nuclear plants in Britain is a setback but the industry is not doomed"

Category: Energy sources


General Motors pulls funding from climate sceptic thinktank Heartland

"Car giant breaks off 20-year relationship with Heartland Institute in ongoing row over its role in questioning global warming"

Category: Climate Change


Met Office hosts 'conversations' with climate sceptics

"Leo Hickman: It should be welcomed that the Met Office is engaging with critics of climate science"

Category: Climate Change


UK greenhouse gas emissions down 7% in 2011

"Fall mainly due to 2011 being fifth warmest on record, and rise in nuclear power usage after Sizewell reactor came back online"

Displaying results 291 to 295 out of 2977